Tweet . Winterborne North Ward Survey Current Local Issues Your details Leave this field blank 1. What is the most important issue for you and your family right now? 2. Do you agree with Steve that there is a speeding problem on our roads? If so, in which area(s)? Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree If so in which area(s)? Enter other… 3. Do you feel there are enough youth activities in our area? Yes No Don't know 4. Do you agree with Steve that it is important to support and protect our vulnerable families through the cost of living crisis? Yes No Don't know 5. Do you agree with Steve that it is important to protect the character of our villages from excessive development? Yes No Don't know 6. Are you concerned about any of these issues in our area? Please pick your top three Protecting the local environment Availability of NHS doctors and dentists Opportunities for young people Condition of our roads or parking Crime and anti social behaviour Litter and fly-tipping Youth provision in our villages Local infrastructure 7. Local Conservatives continue to work for increased funding to improve roads in our area. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate the roads in our area? 10 being very good - 1 being very poor. 7. Local Conservatives continue to work for increased funding to improve roads in our area. On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate the roads in our area? 10 being very good - 1 being very poor. 8. Could you spare an hour or so to help Steve deliver some leaflets? Yes No