The North Dorset Conservative Association is a modern forward-looking Association of like-minded people from all walks of life with a common belief that Conservatives are the right people to run our Country.
As well as the political work carried out by the Association there are many and varied social functions organised by the Team. Everyone is welcome to attend any of these functions.
How the Association is structured
We have an AGM in March every year where every member (not a member yet, joining takes less than 2 mins) is invited to hear how the Association did last year and make suggestions on what the Association can do better in the next year. If your idea comes to you during the rest of the year you can get in contact at any time via the Contact Us page.
Officers Group
The Officers are responsible for the day-to-day running of our vibrant local Association as well as making recommendations to the Executive Council on major decisions that effect the Association. The Officers are elected at the AGM and consist of:
- The Chair
- Deputy Chair - Membership and Treasurer
- Deputy Chair - Political
- Officer
- Officer
Executive Council
Executive Council make all major decisions relating to the management of the Association, including but not limited to; signing off the 5-year plan, selection of parliamentary candidates, selection of Dorset council candidates. The Executive Council's membership consists of
- The President of the Association
- Vice Presidents of the Association*
- The Members of the Officers Group
- Elected Ward representatives
- Chairman of the Patrons' Club
- Member of Parliament*
* - terms apply