Tweet Your views matter, please take a minute to complete our Beacon Ward survey Beacon Ward Survey Current Local Issues Your details Leave this field blank 1. What is the most important issue for you and your family right now? 2. In Beacon Ward which of these issues are important to you and your family? Please pick up to three options. Safety on our roads Visibility of the Police in our rural area Litter in the villages and on rural roads Affordable housing for local people Conserving our natural environment Road maintenance Availability of NHS doctors and dentists Rural transport Other… Enter other… 3. Is there a road in your village you feel strongly should be considered for speed reduction? Yes No If so Where..... Enter other… 4. In Beacon Ward do you believe enough is being done to support local rural businesses? Yes No 5. Would you support building on or re-developing existing vacant sites rather than green field sites? Yes No 6. Did you visit a Community Warm Hub during the winter? Yes No No, but I know someone who did