Tweet Your views matter. Please take 60 seconds to complete our survey. Gillingham Ward Survey Current Local Issues Your details Leave this field blank 1. What is the most important issue for you and your family right now? 2. Which of these issues are most important to you and your family? Please pick three. Anti social behaviour Affordable housing for local people Litter in the villages/town and on roads Maintenance of town/rural roads Visibility of the Police in Gillingham Availability of NHS doctors and dentists Facilities for children and young people 3. Thinking about the answers you gave to Question 2, what concerns you most about the top 3 issues you selected? 4. Are there any other issues or concerns that are important to you in Gillingham or the villages you would like us to look in to? 5. Do you agree that Dorset Council should prioritise protecting our natural environment? Yes No Don't know